By Susan F. Field

I read once...It was from writer Eduardo Galeano:
"Nothing can stop the human voice."
And if the voice can't speak through words, it will speak
through eyes,
through hands,
through hearts,
and through pores. This I will never forget:
I learned to speak, I still speak
through pores most truly.

They are open,
an unguarded, purposeful creation.
that can pour me into you and you into me,
and this is the way we speak,
most truly.
With no protection,
our skin covers us with pores,
most truly, a purposeful creation.

Nothing can stop the human voice. It cannot be silenced
pouring out of you pouring into me.

Poring, we speak
most truly, the purpose of creation.


I am a published writer of poetry and educational issues. I am also a playwright. My play One Gold Tooth was produced at Chicago's Jane Addams' Hull House Art Center in Chicago. I am an educator, now teaching the Humanities at the college level. I am also Co-Director of multi-cultural and interdisciplinary arts and arts education programs at Chicago's Beacon Street Gallery and Theatre, a non-profit, community-based arts organization that resides in Chicago's Uptown neighborhood, home to over 102 different cultures - - I was an English teacher in the public schools for 17 years. I have written articles about[and am still involved working with children through the creative arts] the challenges of children and adults who are empathic learners. I conduct Creative Arts Workshops for multi-age participants; for I believe that the creative spirit and its wonders are inherent in all of us and must be nurtured, celebrated and interwoven into everyday life.

Contact me at poet@beaconst.org and visit our Beacon Street website: www.beaconst.org


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