Bringing the Fire In
By Tom Sheehan

Night makes small change of us,
keeps us stashed in her pockets.
In the darkness we are lost keys,
old medallions, fingers pawing lint.
I touch the wood my son’s brought in.
It will be three times warm here
now his sweat’s been added
to the cutting and the burning.


Tom Sheehan has published three poetry books: "Ah, Devon Unbowed"; "The Saugus Book"; and "Reflections from Vinegar Hill." He is Co-editor of the sold-out 2,000 copy issue of "A Gathering of Memories, Saugus 1900 - 2000," for which $60,000 was borrowed for printing and paid off four weeks after books were received from the printer. He has work currently on/coming on e-zines New Works Review, Aileron, 3AM Publishing, Electric Acorn and;


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