Reviews courtesy of k.c.w. redstone

Editor's Note: This month your lovely poetry editor just didn't get it together in time to have a full book review ready for you. So we'd like to thank k.c.w. redstone for coming to the rescue and sending us some thoughts on a few poetry websites out on the Net. Thanks k.c.w.!

Digital Surrealism
Provocative poetic perspectives on life, art, pop culture and post-millenial possibility.

Wilder Photo Imagery
Mystical nature photography of remote American West - jagged salt flats in Death Valley, the immense grandeur of the Sierra Nevada, desolate ghost towns, wide open horizons with joshua trees and sagebrush evoking solitude and wanderlust.

Pink Cathouse
Friendly San Francisco Bay Area arts networking site, primarily for theater but extending to other arts too including poetry. Useful and tastefully put together.


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