GriefandRenewal.Com Has a New Look!
from Laura Slap-Shelton, Psy.D.

Come visit GriefandRenewal.Com and see the wonderful colorful animation on our opening page. Our new Home Page features a pop-up navigation system and a search feature to help you find what you are looking for. We have a new site for Children to place their poems, stories, memorials, feelings and pictures.

It has been very rewarding to continue to build a website which provides information and resources for healing from grief. I have met and worked with wonderful people who have helped to redesign the site and who have contributed their articles, thoughts and poems to the site in order to help all who are struggling with grief. In designing the animation I discussed my view that grief provides a difficult and yet unique opportunity to achieve greater insight and understanding and to bring this higher awareness as a gift back to the world. Carter Wentworth created an animation which captures the many types of transformations healing from grief brings. Elizabeth Guffey, of Deadalus Design, worked hard to streamline the website and make it easier to navigate.

I was also horrified by the spam that was finding its way onto the Bulletin Board and upgraded the Bulletin Board so that it screens out unwanted postings. It is also easier to read. I hope you will feel comfortable posting your thoughts and concerns and ideas on this Bulletin Board. I am working on transferring some of the previous threads to the new Bulletin Board.

Don't forget to visit our Store which features necklaces and pocketbooks made by the widows of the Guild of Service in India, relaxation tapes, and more. Your purchase will help support both GriefandRenewal.Com and the Guild of Service.

In addition I have added new articles, books in our Book Store and new resources. Look for upcoming reviews of books and updates on international events related to widowhood and women's rights.

I hope that you will find GriefandRenewal.Com 's new design supportive and helpful for your journeys of healing. As always, I look forward to hearing from you and to posting your articles, poems, resources and other information.

In Healing and Renewal,

Laura Slap-Shelton, Psy.D.

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