Coping is a Cop Out
by Richard K. Olsen

Easy for me to say.

I'm a man.
Men move on.
Men are strong.
Men don't cry.
This one does.

I also rage.

Against the darkness,
the fading of the light,
the loss of my future.


I don't want to be well adjusted.
I don't want to be accepting.
I don't want to be healed.
When healing is to be
freed of feeling.


I want to fight,
the invisible enemy,
that came in the night
and robbed us of our light.


Daughter, precious child of mine
whose lifeless form I held
once upon a time
too briefly.


Author Biography
Richard K. Olsen, 62, a resident of Phoenix, Arizona, is the founder, Executive Director and Board Chairman of both the National Stillbirth Society and the Missing Angel Foundation. His only child, Camille, was born still at full term in August 2000. A real estate broker and residential developer, Olsen formed the two organizations when he was unable to locate any advocacy group actively working to force medical and government agencies to apply their resources to eliminating stillbirth worldwide.

Editor's note: Check out this information about the legislative changes happening thru the work at NSS!

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