Suggested Reading
by Kara L.C. Jones

Finding Hope When a Child Dies by Sukie Miller - an amazing look at how cultures around the world support the bereaved after the death of a child. Great resource for trying to put words to the feelings we often have in this American culture where care givers, family, and friends can be very ill equipped for supporting bereaved loved ones.

What To Do When The Police Leave by WBJ Press - this is the latest edition of this WBJ title. Highly recommended for police, care givers, and the bereaved. Sadly this book was complied and written based upon the author's own experiences after the murder of his beloved son.

A Grief Observed by C. S. Lewis - some amazing writings here. This kind of frank, honest comes only from personal experience, and indeed, many of these piece were written after Lewis' wife Joy passed away.

Dear Cheyenne by Joanne Caccitore (MISS Foundation) - this ground breaking work of poetry and journalling offers us an insight into the seeds and experiences that led Caccitore to start the MISS Foundation.

A Different Kind of Mother by Christine Howser - a great source for bereaved parents. Howser's experience speaks especially to families who have had to endure multiple losses since this memoir is about the loss of Howser's twins.

Tear Soup from GriefWatch - very interesting and moving book that is written in a children's book format. But I think this book would be most helpful for a bereaved person of any age, not just children.

Tibetan Book of Living and Dying by Sogyal Rinpoche - another look at death and dying and bereavement from a culture outside our limited American view. While I didn't necessarily agree with everything in this book, I did find significant comforts here after the death of my own son.


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