Letter from the Editor, March 2002
By Kara L.C. Jones

This is a very difficult month for me. My son would have been three years old this month. So I'm going thur the usual roll call of being angry, cynical, sad, overwhelmed, exhausted, loopy, and down right out of it.

Last month our issue was late because of flu. This month it's late because of heart sickness. But I do hope that what we've finally posted here 6 days late will turn out to be worth the wait for our readers. Last month you showed your dedication to our Kota Mission by giving us ONE MILLION hits to this website, and it is an honor to know that our work is really reaching you, really helping, even if only in small ways.

We've got two more pieces this month from Richard Olsen over at NISS. His work surprises and stuns me and speaks to all the primal mother anger I still have over the stillbirth of my son. If he can't get media attention with these revealing points of view, then I don't know what will wake people up to the SADS cause.

We also have a piece from Jen Mountney-- again another piece that speaks to my primal emotions during this anniversary month. I'm sure you've felt this at one point or another yourself.

And we have Rebecca Strong's painting "Shafts of Light" which I feel is the saviour in this month's offerings. Even her description of how the painting came to her -- it all speaks to me.

We have new reviews and the Neo Fight article is an add-on to one of the reviews. There's just so much here. Hope you find something that helps, speaks, screams, says something that might be meaningful to you, your life, and your grief and healing process.

Miracles to you!

This page is dedicated to Dakota
Born and died March 11, 1999


Author Biography
Kara lives on Vashon Island which is a much more awesome place than she ever imagined it would be. She is a poet, bookmaker, wife, teacher, mother to a stillborn son, facilitator, receptionist, founder, struggling p.t.barnum, turtle faithful, editor, artist, and a million other things that will prevent you from putting her in any one particular label box! Kara teaches through local art centers, artists in the schools programs, KotaPress and independently. To find out more about her, see:


And her class Expanding Poetry is now available in an online format from CourseBridge.com where you can register today at:


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