We'd like to thank everyone for contributing to this issue. We look forward to working with all of you in the future again soon. Be sure to submit your work for the next issue, too! See Poetry Guidelines for details.


Ruth Daigon
Ruth spent most of her life in the extreme climate of Winnipeg, Toronto, New York and Connecticut where her primary activity was singing as a Columbia Recording Artist, guest artist on CBS's Camera Three, soloist with the New York Pro Musica and in concert and recital appearances. When she sang at Dylan Thomas' funeral, she never dreamed that poetry would take over your life. Her collaboration with W.H. Auden to record Renaissance poetry and music for Columbia Records also gave no hint of what was to come--editing Poets On: for 20 years, contributing to major poetry journals and winning national awards like "The Eve of St. Agnes Award" (Negative Capability). Her latest poetry collection, The Moon Inside, was just published by Newton's Baby. Her previous collection, Between One Future and the Next, was published in 1995 by Papier-Mache Press. Gale Publishing included her autobiography in volume 25 in Contemporary Authors Autobiography Series. Ruth Daigon was awarded the University of Southern California's Ann Stanford Poetry Award, 1997. A selection of her poems entitled "Ruth Daigon's Greatest Hits" is forthcoming from Pudding House Publications as part of their Gold chapbook series. See http://members.aol.com/RUTHART/ for more info about Ruth's works.

Cassidy Rowe
I began writing poetry when I was twelve, and it has always been my creative medium. I am now twenty-five and live in Wilton, New Hampshire with my husband and two children. Winner of the KotaPress Anthology Contest, more works to appear in Vol 2 due out October 2001. If you wish to contact this author, drop us a note and we'll forward it asap.


Paul S. Walsh
Paul turns 50 this year and wrote most of these during the middle of the last decade as a cathartic summing of the mysteries encountered in a life that had taken him more places than most people care to hear about. He now performs webmaster chores for the Brain Injury Association of America
and various other freeelance clients. He and his Lady, Valarie, teach astronomy to a lively class of 25 at the Delta Rehabilitation facility for the severely head-injured.



He has been singer, composer, and song writer since Hector was a pup.  You can often find him in various Seattle venues performing his music live with his poet wife. 
He also enjoys his day job of creating web sites. If you like what you see here, then you like his work.  He and his wife started KotaPress in memory of their son Dakota. hawk@kotapress.com



Jeffrey Klausman
Jeffrey teaches English and creative writing at Whatcom Community College in Bellingham, Washington. He holds an MFA from the University of Oregon and a Doctor of Arts in English from Idaho State University and has published poetry and fiction in numerous small journals.



Trevor Hewett
Trevor Hewett is an Englishman who lives and writes in his native Cornwall. Published widely in the UK and internationally, he has a short collection of work - 'The Patchwork Woman' - available from Mockfrog Design Press, Australia.


C. M. Frederick
C.M. Frederick is a furniture designer/maker and artist living in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. He has been writing poetry and prose for four years with work recently presented in issues of Comrades E-zine and The Physik Garden as well as artwork shown at Friction Magazine. A full volume of selected poems titled There Aren't Enough Matches to Burn Enough of It Down: Selected Poems 1999 - 2001 is expected to be released late autumn.


Kara L.C. Jones
Friend to turtles, Speaker of the word "NO!", Tamer of ludicrous thoughts, Mother of a dead child, Goddess of Hawksville, Huntress available for Catwomyn's productions at a moment's notice, and Taker of absolutely no more bullshit.



Donna Hill
Donna Hill lives in British Columbia, Canada with her three sons. She has been seriously writing poetry for a few years now, drawing much of her writing style for realism from life around her, her family, and her work as a child educator. She currently is poetry editor of Erosha, an online literary journal of the erotic. Donna's poems have appeared in print issues of One Dog Press, Poems Niederngrasse, Poetry Motel and Peshekee River and have also been published by numerous literary webzines. Her poem, "my hands write when I need them to," took first prize in Comrades first annual poetry contest, while "the moon is a sliver tonight" placed seventh. Both poems are slated to appear in Comrades’ upcoming anthology, 2001.


Phillip Clay Wilkerson
Phillip Clay Wilkerson holds an M.Ed. with an emphasis in Literature from Harding University. He has taught business, professional, and technical writing, but his first love is poetry, which he began writing in 1975. He is a member of the Florida State Poet's Association.




Susan Mello
She sprouted up in the suburbs of New York City and got the-hell downtown as soon as possible. During her time in New York, she took up black & white photography, and gleefully burned negatives during her 8 years there. City burn-out brought her to the Pacific Northwest to be soothed by plantlife, mountains, and mild weather. Here, creativity bloomed again in the form of musical studies, jazz singing, piano & flute. Baking and gardening became passions. A recent trip to Kenya produced images, sounds, and stories which will be featured in her upcoming website. Comments, questions, requests for prints, mailing list membership to:




Lynn Hill
Lynn is a published short story writer, poet and Fiction Editor of Coil Magazine. A favorite truism she shares with others is---Never stop dreaming. If you let your dreams die, you have settled for a half-life. Lynn spends her time writing and dreaming near the Gulf of Mexico in Texas.




Michael Keshigian
Michael is from NH is a musician and educator, performing and teaching in Boston. He began writing poetry in the mid-nineties and since then has been widely published in numerous national and international journals. His poetry collection, Translucent View, was published this past spring by Lockout Press and his second chapbook, Dwindling Knight , is available through BoneWorld Publishing. His most recent works have appeared in The Aurorean, Oyez Review, Nanny Fanny, Sierra Nevada College Review, Taproot Literary Review, Poetic Depth Quarterly and Pegasus. If you'd like to contact Michael, please send a note to info@kotapress.com and we'll pass your message on right away.


Todd Schneider
He's a 95% self-taught photographer, 12 years after receiving a 35mm camera for high school graduation. "I've primarily used photography as just another element in other artworks (illustrations, sculptures, graphics, fanzines) but, in recent years, I've been treating it as itself by studying the finer points of the image and experimenting with infrared and recording films. My current, never ending, photo study is collapsing, and consequently disappearing, homestead and farm buildings." He makes his base on the south shores of Bainbridge Island, Washington from where he creates, hikes, cycles, snowboards, travels, and searches out great music.




yermiyahu ahron taub
yermiyahu ahron taub is a librarian at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research in New York. His English language poems have appeared in such publications as Chiron Review, Evergreen Chronicles,
Fauquier Poetry Journal, Grasslands Review, James White Review, Little Brown Poetry, Parnassus Literary Journal, Pearl and Prairie Schooner. His Yiddish language poems have appeared in Lilliput
Review, Tsukunft, Yiddish Forward (Forverts), and Yugntruf.


Kim Rapier
I'm a first grade teacher who is expecting the arrival of our first adopted child in May. I'm taking creative writing classes from UCI's extension program. My work has been published in Poetic License and Coil Magazine. I will have my poetry published this summer in Beginnings magazine and Our Journey.


Nancy A. Henry
I live on an old apple farm in rural southwestern Maine with my husband and two teenage children. I am a "recovering" attorney and, after fifteen years, finally have a sane, "normal" job which allows time for nurturing my family, writing, and spirit.

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